bookmarks  26


    Fabrizio Silvestri, ISTI - CNR Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Research Abstract Web Search Engines have stored in their logs information about users since they started to operate. This information often serves many purposes. The primary focus of this tutorial is to introduce to the discipline of query mining by showing its foundations and by analyzing the basic algorithms and techniques that could be used to extract and to exploit useful knowledge from this (potentially) infinite source of information. Furthermore, participants to this tutorial will be given a unified view on the literature on query log analysis.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    We analyse the corpus of user relationships of the Slash- dot technology news site. The data was collected from the Slashdot Zoo feature where users of the website can tag other users as friends and foes, providing positive and negative en- dorsements. We adapt social network analysis techniques to the problem of negative edge weights. In particular, we con- sider signed variants of global network characteristics such as the clustering coefficient, node-level characteristics such as centrality and popularity measures, and link-level character- istics such as distances and similarity measures. We evaluate these measures on the task of identifying unpopular users, as well as on the task of predicting the sign of links and show that the network exhibits multiplicative transitivity which allows algebraic methods based on matrix multiplication to be used. We compare our methods to traditional methods which are only suitable for positively weighted edges.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    There are several semantic sources that can be found in the Web that are either explicit, e.g. Wikipedia, or implicit, e.g. derived from Web usage data. Most of them are related to user generated content (UGC) or what is called today the Web 2.0. In this talk we show several applications of mining the wisdom of crowds behind UGC to improve search. We will show live demos to find relations in the Wikipedia or to improve image search as well as our current research in the topic. Our final goal is to produce a virtuous data feedback circuit to leverage the Web itself.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Social tagging provides valuable and crucial information for large-scale web image retrieval. It is ontology-free and easy to obtain; however, irrelevant tags frequently appear, and users typically will not tag all semantic objects in the image, which is also called semantic loss. To avoid noises and compensate for the semantic loss, tag recommendation is proposed in literature. However, current recommendation simply ranks the related tags based on the single modality of tag co-occurrence on the whole dataset, which ignores other modalities, such as visual correlation. This paper proposes a multi-modality recommendation based on both tag and visual correlation, and formulates the tag recommendation as a learning problem. Each modality is used to generate a ranking feature, and Rankboost algorithm is applied to learn an optimal combination of these ranking features from different modalities. Experiments on Flickr data demonstrate the effectiveness of this learning-based multi-modality recommendation strategy.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Traditional machine learning methods only consider relationships between feature values within individual data instances while disregarding the dependencies that link features across instances. In this work, we develop a general approach to supervised learning by leveraging higher-order dependencies between features. We introduce a novel Bayesian framework for classification named Higher Order Naive Bayes (HONB). Unlike approaches that assume data instances are independent, HONB leverages co-occurrence relations between feature values across different instances. Additionally, we generalize our framework by developing a novel data-driven space transformation that allows any classifier operating in vector spaces to take advantage of these higher-order co-occurrence relations. Results obtained on several benchmark text corpora demonstrate that higher-order approaches achieve significant improvements in classification accuracy over the baseline (first-order) methods.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Social media sharing web sites like Flickr allow users to annotate images with free tags, which significantly facilitate Web image search and organization. However, the tags associated with an image generally are in a random order without any importance or relevance information, which limits the effectiveness of these tags in search and other applications. In this paper, we propose a tag ranking scheme, aiming to automatically rank the tags associated with a given image according to their relevance to the image content. We first estimate initial relevance scores for the tags based on probability density estimation, and then perform a random walk over a tag similarity graph to refine the relevance scores. Experimental results on a 50, 000 Flickr photo collection show that the proposed tag ranking method is both effective and efficient. We also apply tag ranking into three applications: (1) tag-based image search, (2) tag recommendation, and (3) group recommendation, which demonstrates that the proposed tag ranking approach really boosts the performances of social-tagging related applications.
    15 years ago by @dbenz


    Web searches tend to be short and ambiguous. It is therefore not surprising that Web query disambiguation is an actively researched topic. To provide a personalized experience for a user, most existing work relies on search engine log data in which the search activities of that particular user, as well as other users, are recorded over long periods of time. Such approaches may raise privacy concerns and may be difficult to implement for pragmatic reasons. We present an approach to Web query disambiguation that bases its predictions only on a short glimpse of user search activity, captured in a brief session of 4-6 previous searches on average. Our method exploits the relations of the current search session to previous similarly short sessions of other users in order to predict the user’s intentions and is based on Markov logic, a statistical relational learning model that has been successfully applied to challenging language problems in the past. We present empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach on data collected from a commercial general-purpose search engine.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Tagging has emerged as a powerful mechanism that enables users to find, organize, and understand online entities. Recommender systems similarly enable users to efficiently navigate vast collections of items. Algorithms combining tags with recommenders may deliver both the automation inherent in recommenders, and the flexibility and conceptual comprehensibility inherent in tagging systems. In this paper we explore tagommenders, recommender algorithms that predict users’ preferences for items based on their inferred preferences for tags. We describe tag preference inference algorithms based on users’ interactions with tags and movies, and evaluate these algorithms based on tag preference ratings collected from 995 MovieLens users. We design and evaluate algorithms that predict users’ ratings for movies based on their inferred tag preferences. Our tag-based algorithms generate better recommendation rankings than state-of-the-art algorithms, and they may lead to flexible recommender systems that leverage the characteristics of items users find most important.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    The increasing availability of GPS-enabled devices is changing the way people interact with the Web, and brings us a large amount of GPS trajectories representing people’s location histories. In this paper, based on multiple users’ GPS trajectories, we aim to mine interesting locations and classical travel sequences in a given geospatial region. Here, interesting locations mean the culturally important places, such as Tiananmen Square in Beijing, and frequented public areas, like shopping malls and restaurants, etc. Such information can help users understand surrounding locations, and would enable travel recommendation. In this work, we first model multiple individuals’ location histories with a tree-based hierarchical graph (TBHG). Second, based on the TBHG, we propose a HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search)-based inference model, which regards an individual’s access on a location as a directed link from the user to that location. This model infers the interest of a location by taking into account the following three factors. 1) The interest of a location depends on not only the number of users visiting this location but also these users’ travel experiences. 2) Users’ travel experiences and location interests have a mutual reinforcement relationship. 3) The interest of a location and the travel experience of a user are relative values and are region-related. Third, we mine the classical travel sequences among locations considering the interests of these locations and users’ travel experiences. We evaluated our system using a large GPS dataset collected by 107 users over a period of one year in the real world. As a result, our HITS-based inference model outperformed baseline approaches like rank-by-count and rank-by-frequency. Meanwhile, when considering the users’ travel experiences and location interests, we achieved a better performance beyond baselines, such as rank-by-count and rank-by-interest, etc.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Social bookmarking systems and their emergent information structures, known as folksonomies, are increasingly important data sources for Semantic Web applications. A key question for harvesting semantics from these systems is how to extend and adapt traditional notions of similarity to folksonomies, and which measures are best suited for applications such as navigation support, semantic search, and ontology learning. Here we build an evaluation framework to compare various general folksonomy-based similarity measures derived from established information-theoretic, statistical, and practical measures. Our framework deals generally and symmetrically with users, tags, and resources. For evaluation purposes we focus on similarity among tags and resources, considering different ways to aggregate annotations across users. After comparing how tag similarity measures predict user-created tag relations, we provide an external grounding by user-validated semantic proxies based on WordNet and the Open Directory. We also investigate the issue of scalability. We find that mutual information with distributional micro-aggregation across users yields the highest accuracy, but is not scalable; per-user projection with collaborative aggregation provides the best scalable approach via incremental computations. The results are consistent across resource and tag similarity.
    15 years ago by @dbenz



    With the advent of Web 2.0, Social Computing has emerged as one of the hot research topics recently. Social Computing involves the investigation of collective intelligence by using computational techniques such as machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, etc. on social behavior data collected from blogs, wikis, clickthrough data, query logs, tags, etc. from areas such as social networks, social search, social media, social bookmarks, social news, social knowledge sharing, and social games. In this tutorial, we will introduce Social Computing and elaborate on how the various characteristics and aspects are involved in the social platforms for collective intelligence. Moreover, we will discuss the challenging issues involved in Social Computing in the context of theory and models of social networks, mining of spatial and temporal social information, ways to deal with partial and incomplete information in the social context, scalability and algorithmic issues with social computational techniques, and security & privacy issues. Some potential social computing applications for discussion would include collaborative filtering, query log processing, learning to rank, large graph and link algorithms, etc.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    This paper presents SOFIE, a system for automated on- tology extension. SOFIE can parse natural language docu- ments, extract ontological facts from them and link the facts into an ontology. SOFIE uses logical reasoning on the exist- ing knowledge and on the new knowledge in order to disam- biguate words to their most probable meaning, to reason on the meaning of text patterns and to take into account world knowledge axioms. This allows SOFIE to check the plau- sibility of hypotheses and to avoid inconsistencies with the ontology. The framework of SOFIE unites the paradigms of pattern matching, word sense disambiguation and ontolog- ical reasoning in one unified model. Our experiments show that SOFIE delivers high-quality output, even from unstruc- tured Internet documents.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    In this paper we present Triplify – a simplistic but effective approach to publish Linked Data from relational databases. Triplify is based on mapping HTTP-URI requests onto relational database queries. Triplify transforms the resulting relations into RDF statements and publishes the data on the Web in various RDF serializations, in particular as Linked Data. The rationale for developing Triplify is that the largest part of information on the Web is already stored in structured form, often as data contained in relational databases, but usually published by Web applications only as HTML mixing structure, layout and content. In order to reveal the pure structured information behind the current Web, we have implemented Triplify as a light-weight software component, which can be easily integrated into and deployed by the numerous, widely installed Web applications. Our approach includes a method for publishing update logs to enable incremental crawling of linked data sources. Triplify is complemented by a library of configurations for common relational schemata and a REST-enabled data source registry. Triplify configurations containing mappings are provided for many popular Web applications, including osCommerce, WordPress, Drupal, Gallery, and phpBB. We will show that despite its light-weight architecture Triplify is usable to publish very large datasets, such as 160GB of geo data from the OpenStreetMap project.
    15 years ago by @dbenz


    We present a novel method for key term extraction from text documents. In our method, document is modeled as a graph of semantic relationships between terms of that document. We exploit the following remarkable feature of the graph: the terms related to the main topics of the document tend to bunch up into densely interconnected subgraphs or commu- nities, while non-important terms fall into weakly intercon- nected communities, or even become isolated vertices. We apply graph community detection techniques to partition the graph into thematically cohesive groups of terms. We introduce a criterion function to select groups that contain key terms discarding groups with unimportant terms. To weight terms and determine semantic relatedness between them we exploit information extracted from Wikipedia. Using such an approach gives us the following two ad- vantages. First, it allows effectively processing multi-theme documents. Second, it is good at filtering out noise infor- mation in the document, such as, for example, navigational bars or headers in web pages. Evaluations of the method show that it outperforms exist- ing methods producing key terms with higher precision and recall. Additional experiments on web pages prove that our method appears to be substantially more effective on noisy and multi-theme documents than existing methods.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Community Question Answering (CQA) has emerged as a popular forum for users to pose questions for other users to answer. Over the last few years, CQA portals such as Naver and Yahoo! Answers have exploded in popularity, and now provide a viable alternative to general purpose Web search. At the same time, the answers to past questions submitted in CQA sites comprise a valuable knowledge repository which could be a gold mine for information retrieval and automatic question answering. Unfortunately, the quality of the submitted questions and answers varies widely - increasingly so that a large fraction of the content is not usable for answering queries. Previous approaches for retrieving relevant and high quality content have been proposed, but they require large amounts of manually labeled data – which limits the applicability of the supervised approaches to new sites and domains. In this paper we address this problem by developing a semi-supervised coupled mutual reinforcement framework for simultaneously calculating content quality and user reputation, that requires relatively few labeled examples to initialize the training process. Results of a large scale evaluation demonstrate that our methods are more effective than previous approaches for finding high-quality answers, questions, and users. More importantly, our quality estimation significantly improves the accuracy of search over CQA archives over the state-of-the-art methods.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

    Users of social networking services can connect with each other by forming communities for online interaction. Yet as the number of communities hosted by such websites grows over time, users have even greater need for effective commu- nity recommendations in order to meet more users. In this paper, we investigate two algorithms from very different do- mains and evaluate their effectiveness for personalized com- munity recommendation. First is association rule mining (ARM), which discovers associations between sets of com- munities that are shared across many users. Second is latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), which models user-community co-occurrences using latent aspects. In comparing LDA with ARM, we are interested in discovering whether modeling low-rank latent structure is more effective for recommen- dations than directly mining rules from the observed data. We experiment on an Orkut data set consisting of 492, 104 users and 118, 002 communities. Our empirical comparisons using the top-k recommendations metric show that LDA performs consistently better than ARM for the community recommendation task when recommending a list of 4 or more communities. However, for recommendation lists of up to 3 communities, ARM is still a bit better. We analyze exam- ples of the latent information learned by LDA to explain this finding. To efficiently handle the large-scale data set, we parallelize LDA on distributed computers [1] and demon- strate our parallel implementation’s scalability with varying numbers of machines.
    15 years ago by @dbenz

publications  3