
De la traduction publicitaire à la communication multilingue

. Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators' Journal, 54 (3): 417--430 (2009)
DOI: 10.7202/038306ar


With the globalization of the economy, commercial communication has become a focal point in social life all over the world. The generalization of the Internet has only confirmed this point by turning the World Wide Web into a huge commercial showcase. With this trend of globalization, the translator has been increasingly asked to help disseminate promotional messages on a large scale and advertising translation has grown exponentially over the past decades. In the following pages, we will try to highlight the evolution that has taken place both in theory and practice. But the primary objective of the article is to explain the change of perspective that came with the rise of the Internet and the development of multilingual communication in the field of Translation Studies. It also aims to show that this change in perspective requires a different method of analysis and work, which he outlines as the ins and outs for the translator.


Artículo en francés sobre la evolución de la traducción publicitaria en las últimas décadas con el desarrollo de internet y del multilingüísmo.

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