
Angiogenesis is essential in physiological processes including ovulation, implantation and pregnancy. One of the most potent regulators is the cytokine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We provide evidence for a novel pregnancy-associated soluble variant of the VEGF receptor Flt-1. VEGF ranged from undetectable to 157.3 pg/ml (mean 49.9 pg/ml, SD 48.4 pg/ml) in plasma samples from normal volunteers (n = 10), but was undetectable in plasma from pregnant women (n = 12) and amniotic fluid (n = 10). Recoveries of spiked VEGF were poor in pregnancy-related samples, indicating the presence of VEGF-binding activity which was confirmed using biosensor and chromatographic techniques. Partial purification and protein sequencing indicated a novel soluble form of Flt-1 with a subunit size of 150 kDa. Normally present as a multimeric structure of approximately 400-550 kDa, complexes of 600-700 kDa were formed following binding of multiple VEGF molecules. Reverse transcriptase polymerase ch

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