
Towards a critical and labor librarianship. Socialist, leftist, anticapitalist, and critical voices against the hegemony of the bourgeois and capitalist classes in the sciences of information recorded in documents: A bilingual Spanish-English bibliography. Version 1

. LIS (Library and Information Science Critique): Journal of the Sciences of Information Recorded in Documents (Crítica Bibliotecológica: Revista de las Ciencias de la Información Documental), 4 (2): 63 - 114 (мая 2012)


This bilingual Spanish-English bibliography is just another effort to empower all the working and proletarian classes, in general, and in particular of the information, knowledge, communication, and from all the industrial and cognitive branches, included those of the sciences of information recorded in documents (e.g. libraries, archives, documental centers, museums, etc.). To be as an instrument so they can analyze, resist, challenge, and counter-attack --from the trenches of the widest spectrum of the currents of socialism, the left, and the social anti-capitalist critique-- the constant attacks from the ideologues logographers at the service of the dominant clases of the bourgeoisie, neo-liberalism, capitalism, and imperialism, in general (e.g. Masuda, 1981; Fukuyama, 1989; Huntington, 1993; Castells, 1996), and from the sciences of information recorded in documents, in particular, (e.g. Lau Noriega, 2007ª; 2007b; Gorman, 2001; Hernández Pacheco, 2007; 2000; Uribe Tirado, 2005; Valdiosera R., 2005; Rodríguez Gallardo, 2001; Guerrero Valle, 2000; Mann, 1993; Cronin, 1992) that constantly carry on against the destitute and poverty-stricken working and proletarian classes of the world, in general, and of the sciences of sciences of information recorded in documents, in particular, and only to maintain their hegemony and benefits for their class. The theoretical approach for its selection is based in the concept of critical epistemology within the wide labor movements of the anti-capitalist left (e.g. Muela-Meza, 2010a; 2008ª; 2008b; 1996; 1991; de la Garza Toledo, 2001), and the concept the social class struggles within the sciences of information recorded in documents (e.g. Muela-Meza, 2010ª; 2010b; 1996; 1991; Pawley, 1998; Corrigan and Gillespie, 1978), with the aims to build a critical and labor librarianship from the anti-capitalist and socialist left.

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