
Artificial Intelligence in Covid-19 Diagnosis

. Central Asian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences, 2 (12): 42-55 (December 2021)


The Coronavirus has quickly spread to more than 200 nations, infecting several million people globally in a matter of weeks. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have been shown to be beneficial in testing, diagnosing, and efficiently limiting viral propagation. However, several flaws or limitations have been discovered in existing AI approaches. Patients are diagnosed after the onset of symptoms, making it difficult to determine the appropriate patient management. Doctors' involvement is required, which may result in viral infection via direct contact with patients. The present project attempts to create AI approaches to address such issues. This work suggests AI capable of estimating the timing of viral infection in patients and the degree of medical treatment required prior to the development of COVID-19 symptoms. Many vital biological and human functions are measured by the proposed device, including the state of the brain and neurotransmitters, mental/mood conditions, tension level of face muscles, hands, and body temperature, rate of pulse and pressure, oxygen level in the blood, rate of breathing and difficulty, degree of redness of eye(s), and general body imbalances. This work makes use of both hardware and software designs. To explore, test, and evaluate the integration/work of each subsystem component and the overall system architecture, an experimental research is used. The findings demonstrated that the suggested approach might be utilised to differentiate between healthy and infected persons prior to the manifestation of COVID-19 symptoms.

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